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    Peace and War
    Peace and War

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    Post  Peace and War April 5th 2022, 8:55 am

    AdamCollings wrote:Cool. Sounds like you very much know what kind of writer you are / need to be.

    I'm also an architect/plotter. And I agree it is a much better fit for serialised storytelling.

    My book series is structured like a modern TV series. Each book (30,00 word novella) is an episode. There will be 6 episodes per season and I'm planning 4 seasons. I've only published two so far, but have the entire first season drafted, and the third episode close to being publishable.

    I'll try to collect my thoughts to see what advice I might be able to offer you based on my experience so far.  I don't know how valuable it'll be, but I'll give it a shot.
    Stay tuned...

    Thank you so much. I will repeat and emphasize however that I'm not an architect/plotter. I'm naturally very much a gardener/pantser. I have however come to realize over the years and after many failures that since serialization was always the goal, not one-shot, totally self-contained things that I have to become something I'm naturally unaccustomed to, like being organized in general.

    I'd also like to add that for my idea, let's just call it Project Labor of Love to be simple and because that's the working title I've decided, there are at least four seasons each with 26 episodes for a total of 104 episodes and each episode taking anywhere from 20,000 to 30,000 words to finish with each novel having a 3 episode bunch meaning 8 novels for each season and 32 novels overall.

    So if you have any way to keep the plot, settings, characters and Meta narrative considerations for a series as big as this or even just the first season and first three episodes, which are structured like a three parter opening or a feature length 90 minutes movie opening, then I'm all ears. Honestly, just the first season would be good because I honestly expect this series to require a lot of time to adequately finish and connect the dots between the start and the finish line which I already know. Plus, it helps that since I like the quadrology format more than the standard trilogy format, season 1 is really intended to be more an introduction to the world, setting, and characters more so than having anything too plot critical things for the future. It'd be nice if it did, and I hope it does, but not necessary since the real crises doesn't start until season 2 and won't end until season 4.

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    Post  theIntrospect November 11th 2022, 12:39 pm

    Greetings peeps, my name is Richard Blevins. I found out about this community several years ago and actually had an account here then but no longer use that particular email.

    I have always believed in God (my dad always planted seeds of Truth within my life from a very young age), but in the summer of 2001 I gave my heart to Christ and my journey has not been the same since. I've experienced wonderful, mountain top moments and at other times struggles, doubts, dark phases, etc., yet looking back in hindsight I now see so clearly how The FATHER has used every single moment within my life here on earth towards my cultivation throughout my journey.

    Been thinking a lot lately, in a visionary sense (I tend to visualize things a lot), about how we are like plants in HIS Garden that HE always tends to and cultivates throughout our existence here. And of course at times we need pruning and shaping, which can often seem unpleasant, but is ultimately for our good and HIS Glory.

    Some of the passions that have been instilled within me over the years (and much of which, if not all are various specifics that tie into who HE Created and Called me to be uniquely) are writing (poetic, song, general creative, devotional, introspective, and speculative), electronic music creation (what I like to call 'audible art'), lyricism, photography, psychology and counseling.

    Looking forward to getting more acquainted with you all here. Have listened to the legacy version of Spirit Blade a few times over the years and need to listen to the others by Paeter as well. Have also (over the past couple of days) been checking out the content from Adam Collings, and his Vlog 'Getting My Momentum Back' is truly inspiring and spurring me to good works, so thank you Brother for that. Will definitely be a video that I return to.

    Last edited by theIntrospect on December 2nd 2022, 12:24 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  Paeter November 14th 2022, 8:56 pm

    Great to meet you, Richard! I used to do some stuff with electronic music, too, and can relate to your introspective wiring. Glad to have you here!

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    Post  AdamCollings November 15th 2022, 5:14 pm

    Wow. Thanks Richard. Great to have you in the forum.
    I'm glad you've enjoyed some of my content. Amazing to hear how my writing vlog touched you. I'm really encouraged by that. I'm in a bit of a similar place now as I was when I made that video, but I'm finally nearing the point where I'll be publishing the book I was working on then. (either this December or early next year)

    Looking forward to interacting with you here.

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    Post  theIntrospect November 20th 2022, 1:43 pm

    Thanks guys. And Adam, that video of yours that I had mentioned actually seemed to be another form of personal encouraging confirmation for me that I received that day. Years ago an entire story synopsis sort of "downloaded" in to me, so to speak, it seemed. I wrote the vision of it down then but never really expounded on it. I attempted, at one point, to begin some backstory and character building but never got far at all with it. The story is one along the lines of speculative sci-fi, and is faith based.

    I also just released an audible art project on SoundCloud, Bandcamp, and YouTube that I'm very fond of. Being that I am a new member (with this account) I will refrain from attempting to post any links unless I am cleared for it. Not sure the specifics of the rules pertaining to that.

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    Post  Paeter November 21st 2022, 8:18 pm

    theIntrospect wrote: Being that I am a new member (with this account) I will refrain from attempting to post any links unless I am cleared for it. Not sure the specifics of the rules pertaining to that.

    Not sure either. I don't think its anything that is done manually but rather the automated system clears you at some point when you have been active for long enough. But that's a guess.

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    Introductions - Page 9 Empty Warhammer and Blood $atellite

    Post  John321 May 10th 2023, 8:51 am

    I had to edit due personal reasons

    Thank you

    Last edited by John321 on May 16th 2023, 10:50 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  AdamCollings May 10th 2023, 6:37 pm

    Welcome, John. You've found your people!
    Paeter has made some content over the y ears that I think you will find relevant to your question and situation. But he'll be better able to direct you to that.

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    Post  John321 May 11th 2023, 9:03 am

    Video format info is welcome but written info regarding my problem is welcome too.

    Last edited by John321 on May 16th 2023, 10:48 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  Paeter May 12th 2023, 11:04 am

    Thanks so much for introducing yourself and sharing here, John. You are not alone when it comes to the concerns you've expressed. And over the years I've tried to create content that can be useful when thinking and praying through the kinds of things you're talking about.

    I'll point you to a few things that might be helpful, and you can feel free to get in touch with me or start up a new thread here on the forums if you want to explore things some more.

    Although it's lengthy, this video is intended to be fairly comprehensive and has application to many kinds of entertainment that some would find questionable:

    It asks the question, "Can Christians play as evil characters in games?", which is different from your question. But my reasoning is that, if we can make a reasonable, biblical argument that Christians can play AS evil characters without sinning, it would seem to follow even more so that we can passively enjoy stories ABOUT sinful characters, which seems to lie at the heart of your question.

    Another key element of your question is the nature of eternal life, and the concern that we could potentially lose eternal life if we commit a certain degree of sin. I strongly believe that the Bible teaches we cannot lose eternal life as a result of sins we commit after coming to faith in Jesus. I actually have a page dedicated to the various times I've talked about this topic over the years. Here you can find content on the subject in various forms, including audio, video and text:

    Finally, although I don't play Warhammer myself, I shared an article about Warhammer 40k a number of years ago in video format that you might find useful:

    And once again, feel free to start a new topic thread to talk about anything you'd like here, or feel free to reach me privately at paeter(at)spiritblade(dot)com

    Glad to have you here, John!

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    Post  John321 May 13th 2023, 11:11 am

    Thanks for your comment, paeter. I shall thoroughly study the info when i have the time.

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    Post  Gurlfromtomorrow May 14th 2023, 7:03 pm

    hey there
    Most ppl just call me blu
    I was surfing Utoob for (christian)geeky content and found this channel
    I used to play games(snes and PS/pc) and read alot. Though i love alot of the standard Sci-fi out there (star trek, dark matter, older dr.who, star gate, continuum etc) i dont watch any main streem content anymore due to conviction. But Thank God theres a indie market out there. Small artist need an audience and can be really fun.
    My grandma told me about Jesus when i was young and Im so glad. I believe that carried me though alot. But as i like to say "god let me go the long way aroound" and do alot of dumb stuff before coming back to him. But Heeeeey im not DEAD lol.. Im glad hes merciful and im glad to be sober and mostly in my right mind these days.
    Nice to meet ya D bounce

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    Post  Paeter May 15th 2023, 7:03 pm

    Thanks for introducing yourself, Blu!

    You are very welcome here and will find other folks who are also trying to discern their way through various types of entertainment content and respond to conviction when biblical. Glad to have you!

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